Nolrog wrote:

Aldier_CT wrote:

Dev-Ngreth wrote:

By the time your skill is 20 over though, you should be at the point where you can get the 96%... then each 20 another 1% reduction in caped fail rate. And at low skills you gain skillups so fast that it does not mater much.
20 or 40? This seems to be off if it is supposed to be 20 because that would mean at 300 skill I don't fail anything 200 or below and there are plenty of times that has happened.
I thought it was 40. For every 40 points you're over the trivial, the failure rate drops 1% until you reach (5*40=200) points when it essentially becomes no fail.

Perhaps Ngreth was referring to hitting the 95% success cap, where if your skill is about equal to the trivial of the item, you're not at 95%, you could be only 70%. You need to be a bit above (~20 points or so) the trivial level to get to the 95% cap.
yeah 40.

Space Cadet Ogre!
