plastik2 wrote:

beryon wrote:

I don't really see why casters would bother having 2 sets, if the stats were similar anyway. The 2h setup would have to offer some advantage to make up for the loss of the shield. Whether it's stats, or focii, or something new like the recently added sympathetic procs.

The reasoning is, as someone just mentioned within a few threads of my first post, is that the secondary slot, whilst using a shield, yields an AC advtange that discards the AC cap (for every class in EQ). What this means is that while using a shield (not an idol, lantern, or anything else that does not specifically say SHIELD in the item description), it drastically enhances ones AC cap (invisible - not player viewable).

As such, using a 2H'd item will never be similar to using a 1H + Shield, unless like Ngreth stated, it have thousands of AC (yes the AC cap-less advantage of shield AC is that profound - It was discussed ad naseum during PoP/GoD era and I think a thread still remains somehwere on these forums if you want to use the horrible search feature hehe).

As of now, the only real advantage of using a 2H would be the visual element of weidling such an item. As also stated repeatedly within this thread, many caster 1H items used to be much larger/extravegant (e.g. Wizard 2.0). SoD drastically brought upon the decline of such beautiful weapon types to these horrid, 2-3ft. rods, all ugly shades of brown/yellow/green/I don't know what. Seeing a proc-type addition such as on the monster mission 2H would be nice yet would need to be analyzed to keep it consistant and proportianate with how the Devs see caster DPS being handled for UDF and beyond.

I'd be more than delighted to have a bonus to using a 2H (such as a proc, etc.) but I'd still be more than pleased to just have the HP/Mana/Mods/etc. be brought up to par as 1H + Shield (albeit the AC bonus) just for something visually different. And again, the option is there to switch to 1H + Shield at any time for that deffensive gain. Let the player decide their play style.
That is pretty much the intent.

Some casters try extremely hard to NOT get hit, so typically do not need the AC. While some casters seem to like to wade into melee. For this second group, 2handers are going to hold little to no interest. So our goal is mostly this first group.
