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Thread: I Figured It Out Everyone!!!!

  1. #11
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2009


    Some versions of the EQ disks created different files where EQ would be installed.

    Mines in C:\Everquest, and Ive seen people in a C:\Sony\Everquest and there may be others. Some people may have multiple or partitioned HD's.

    Right Click on the Icon you use to start EQ, then click on properties.

    There will be a line that shows the location of the EQ executable file.

    It may be under 'target', or possibly 'location'.

    For instance heres mine..


    If you substitute the Everquest.exewith mapsso that it looks like this..


    That should be the folder you want to paste your maps in, or extract them to.

    I download my map files to a completely separate file, and either 'copy and paste' them to the map file or extract them there. I dont know if the patcher would affect some file or whatever.

    And when windows asks if I want to overwrite a file, I always click yes, unless I know theres a particular file I want to keep.

  2. #12
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2009

    Default Vista 64bit Pro

    Running EQ from c:\sony\EverQuest add the map files to c:\sony\EverQuest\maps

    *Note: if you are in a zone and you add an updated map, the file will not show. I'm totally convinced you need to restart EQ after adding new maps for them to be visible.

  3. #13
    Junior Member
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    Default Underfoot expansion

    Any one have any maps of new expansion? Rough ones would be great even.


  4. #14
    Junior Member
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    Default Underfoot expansion

    Any one have any maps of new expansion? Rough ones would be great even.

    PS I tried a new thread but have not gotten permisson yet,. but it has only been 3 years since i signed up on mapfiend.

  5. #15
    It is what it is.
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    A mile high..


    Maps can not be posted here until the NDA is lifted.

  6. #16
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2009

    Default Map issues

    OK, I have tried every "fix" listed on here. I always had the path located and it was not listed on any post here. The map file was located on my hd as follows:
    C:\Program Files\Sony Online Entertainment\Installed Games\EverQuest\maps

    Having said that, I have tried extracting directly to the file folder (didn't work), extracting to a separate file and then copying the map text files directly into the map file folder (also didn't work).

    I did find something that may be an issue by opening up each individual map file after the extract or copy methods, and that is that the text of the maps that do actually work appear to be ordered and neat. The ones that do not appear to have a bunch of jumbled code. I assume that is something that happens during the extraction process but cannot figure out an easy way to format the text to make it readable.
    I am not very familiar with text editing and I know that my notepad does not give me the ability to save changes to these files.
    Has anyone else noticed this issue?

    I do have a very few maps that work, none of which I would use or need at this point. None of the newer expansion maps work.

  7. #17
    Junior Member
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    Default Vista

    I to am a returning player after 5 years i could not even find my original disks so i used the sony launcher to install the game the path is a little convoluted.

    C:\Program Files\Sony Online Entertainment\Installed Games\EverQuest\maps

    but if you are trying to manipulate the files via my computer it looks like

    C:\desktop\computer\INSERT YOUR DRIVE NAME HERE\program files\Sony Online Entertainment\Installed Games\EverQuest\maps

    this is with a factory install of Vista on a toshiba laptop

    i hope this helps

  8. #18
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2010

    Default I have window7 on laptop and Window7 64bit on Desktop with no maps

    I have moved EQ out of the Sony folder and reloaded maps no luck. I have created another folder and opened maps there then moved them in to the maps folder no change. Nothing I have done is working on either of my machines.

    I think it's pot luck if you get them to start working with any of the above solutions . Oh, I even ran EQ in Admin mode with no change. All I have noticed, after I unpacked the maps many of the files have 0k for their file size. What's that all about.


  9. #19
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Kaliaila View Post
    Eidolon1, first SOE hasn't designed any of the supplied maps for the last 3 or so expansions. They were all made by players in Beta and SOE was allowed by them to supply them to the masses. SOE supposedly had to make maps the same way we do, just like they supposedly have to make UI windows just like we do with no way to instantly see what the result will be aside from loading up EQ. So really just be glad there are any maps with the new expansions at all.

    Find the Everquest folder that you are playing EQ from. In that EQ folder there will be a maps folder. Put the TXT files into that maps folder.


    If you play from C:\Program Files\Everquest\
    then put the TXT files into C:\Program Files\Everquest\maps

    If you play from C:\Program Files\Sony\Everquest\
    then put the TXT files into C:\Program Files\Sony\Everquest\maps

    If you play from C:\Program Files\Sony\Everquest Trilogy\
    then put the TXT files into C:\Program Files\Sony\Everquest Trilogy\maps

    If you play from C:\Program Files\Sony\Everquest Gold\
    then put the TXT files into C:\Program Files\Sony\Everquest Gold\maps

    If you play from C:\Program Files\Sony\Everquest Platinum\
    then put the TXT files into C:\Program Files\Sony\Everquest Platinum\maps
    thats the information i need
    thanks Kaliaila

    ERWIn ---

  10. #20
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2010

    Talking Vista 32 bit works and Windows 7 64 bit as well

    UNBLOCK the files....

    The game installs to "C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest" or Program Files (x86) if 64bit vista or windows 7

    Just extract or paste the txt files into "C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest\maps" but do not do it while the game is running.

    In windows 7, when you extract or copy files from another computer or download files, windows 7 may block the file. This means tat the file is there, but windows 7 is blocking access to it. What you have to do is right click on each of the txt files you copied and go to properties, then click the "Unblock" button. issue solved.

    See this thread for more:

    FYI I am Ferger on Mithaniel Marr (Saryn) server if you have questions.
    Last edited by dam3d; 04-29-2010 at 02:19 PM. Reason: added contact info

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