Sinestra wrote:

There is rarely anything constructive or intelligent posted in the Vet Forum.

If you are however looking for dev feedback, there is a link in bright green at the op of the forums labeled "EQ Development" which will show you all the posts the devs mak, allowing you to bypass all the noise.
Actually, the Veteran's Lounge provides a great source for feedback. Unfortunately, bad apples do tend to toss unwanted seeds around there. That's where the moderators and I come in though.

Having a zillion threads on the same subject doesn't help us collect feedback. We generally look at the first one posted or the most constructive thread, which is why other posts get moved to those threads. Yes a thread might end up being pages long but we're still reading through it. Also, once developer makes a post on a subject and people begin to respond to that thread, were going to switch focus on collecting feedback from there rather than from the older threads or newer threads on thes same subject.

Otherewise we would give each forum member their own message board to post in. (No I'm not doing that)
