CacaFuego wrote:


The fury of the last couple days, whichever side you are on, is that feedback you seem to appreciate and use.

Here is an opportunity to take something that has boiled over and handle it quickly, smartly and accurately.

Frankly, there should be a post here RIGHT NOW from the responsible dev with a plan annunciated so people can at least target their activity knowing the general outline of what will happen.

Quickly, smartly and accurately.

Well, we have restrictions about how quickly we can react. Any real change to this situation will require a server down, and that will probably not happen until the regular update date. So I suspect we'll fail on quickly.

Smartly is always up for debate. Undoubtably, any change we make will be disliked by someone, so we'll be considered idiots by some folks regardless. However, on this we will certainly try to find the best solution for the game as a whole.

Accuracy... Well, once we decide the change, and since we can't rush it in, we should be able to get it tested properly. So I give us a pretty good chance of being accurate.

So it looks like we'll get something like 1.8 out of 3 right.

