Abazzagorath wrote:

Dev-Ngreth wrote:

FingerA wrote:

I thought the change that affected Earthshaker was removing the ability to proc from a riposte against a non-targeted NPC.

Someone was looking for an offensive proc AA - Touch of the Cursed is one.
Correct. Proc from riposte will only happen to the targeted mob.
As pointed out, you cannot proc on a riposte.

The change that happened was that you could only proc against a targeted mob when clicking RAMPAGE aa abilities.

Since when you rampage, its a direct attack and not a riposte. Riposte never had anything to do with earthshaker.

What happened with shakerpaging, is you got slowed so you were almost guaranteed a proc on a swing, hit rampage, and you basically were swinging at every single mob at once, and it procced on almost all those swings, and the AEs hit them all.

I forgot the details and swapped the abilities
