Zanderon wrote:

Rozzl wrote:

The whole Rallos line in SoD pretty much defies canon.

Vallon and Tallon were raised to Gods to avoid the curse placed on Rallos's children. In his weakened state, he barely had enough power to grant them immortality.

Clearly, in Tosk, there has been no curse placed upon his children. And Eriak wasn't stripped of his power. And Vallon and Tallon were raised up without the necessity of rescuing them. I'm savvy with the whole "the past has changed" bit of time travel, but the situation created in the Plane of Earth theme is extremely unlikely to have arisen the way it did. The changes to the timeline generated a state of reality that seemingly couldn't exist.

So in the future, if you want to mess around with more Rallos and time travel, great. Awesome. But please, no more breaking the base lore.
The feeling I got from the Rathe theme is that Zeb sent us to a time after the Muramites had been altering things, but right before the major event at that point in history could take place. It almost seemed to be a progression as the themes went on.

In Oceangreen, the armies of Discord were just starting to get a foothold. Even within the factions that they were gaining power in there was an issue with members of those factions not paying much attention to what the muramites wanted.

In Kithicor, the muramites again havent been at work for very long, and both sides realize something is wrong. They were a lot more careful this time around, being more subtle with thier manipulations. They actually partially get their way in this theme, managing to steal away Lanys and Firiona when the war comes to a draw.

In the Field of Scale, the Muramites have been at work on the different Iksar factions for some time. Already, several major leaders of the Iksar nations are under thier influence. By giving the Iksar the magic of Dragonbane weapons, they not only bribe most Iksar leadership but also come very close to changing the direction of the war.

In the Rathe, they finally stop being subtle and make an attempt to dominate the Pantheon directly. This theme gives the feeling that they have been a long time in augmenting the armies of Zek and directing him on a path that could lead to the forces of War taking over the elemental planes and bringing mass destruction to Norrath. They bring Rallos with the promise of domination over the Plane of Earth if he can destroy the Rathe Council outside of their plane. I'm not convinced they intended him to gain any power (the failure of the ritual at the end of "The Fall of Tosk" points this way, although upon sucess you HAVE disrupted the ritual), but just wanted his help destroying one of the major balancing forces on Norrath.

Next you move to Kuua, where the muramite army is already almost completely in control. Your goal here seems to be simply to slow the progress of Discord, and to try and research where they were comming from during the invasion. Once you find your way to the home of the Muramite army, you confront the real Muramite leadership and attempt to slow/stop the Mindshear that they use to corrupt their victims and build their armies.

It's almost like as you fight the armies, it becomes harder and harder for Zeb to send you to a point where Discord first starts to gain a foothold. While I'm not positive because my guild has only beaten 2 events in Tower and the theme is fairly vague, I get the feeling that Korafax is actually in the same timeline as Void A (aka after the destruction of Norrath's Gods).
Awesome analysis.

The level of Discordian influence appears to be tied to the players' progression through the content, but this may not in fact be the case. They may be making simultaneous assaults on the timeline, or using their greatest influence at times when the Norrathian pantheon has its attention diverted elsewhere.
