<p><cite>Email wrote:</cite></p><blockquote><p>Ok, so when you say leaving the group you mean literally disbanding from the group?</p><p>I would have thought "during combat" going LD... and coming back...</p><p>Gating (interzone - bind at opposite end of where you&#39;re fighting to wipe aggro and get onto OOC regen - secondary recall, fellowship, coth to get back, or via leaving/re-entering the zone)...</p><p>Ressing (you disappeared a second ago, but now you&#39;re back - either from a real cleric or a diff merc)...</p><p>... might have caused some issues with the hate list in addition to the possible server client synch issues; otherwise, very few people would have noticed this problem.&nbsp; Who would disband from a group while in combat... folks PL&#39;ing AAs?</p></blockquote><p>I imagine it happens all the time.&nbsp;&nbsp; Anyone who is pulling continuously and has people joining and leaving the group.&nbsp; There may be other ways it is happening, but this is certainly a glaring one.</p>
