isaiah655 wrote:

LokiFenris wrote:

Rasper_Helpdesk wrote:

*** AA ***
- Enchanter - Self Stasis and Friendly Stasis have had their reuse time increased to 15 minutes to match other classes with the same type of abilities.
- Shaman - Inconspicuous Totem’s reuse timer has been increased to 15 minutes to match other classes with the same type of ability.
Really? What kind of twisted logic is this? There's nothing wrong with certain classes being able to do something better than another class. Are they going to add a cast time to AA camo to match perfected invis? Makes as much sense. There's many other examples of classes sharing similar abilities that aren't equal.
Moreover, this isn't balanced at all. Enchanter Self-Stasis is a mezz, Shaman Inconspicuous Totem is an illusion and Berserker Whatever-it's-called is a stun.
Sorry but this is incorrect. Regardless of the flavor of the ability, Self-Stasis, Self-Preservation, and Inconspicuous Totem are all fades. They drop you from all hate lists instantly. The flavor associated with that fade is irrelevant to the balance of the ability.
