While we provide a place here on the forums for discussion about technical issues, our support representatives are not present on the forums 24/7. If you need more immediate help, please use one of the methods below to contact Customer Service and Technical Support. (Our Knowledge Base is updated occasionally. For the most up-to-date info, click here.)

Our Support staff is available Monday - Friday, from 10:00am - 7:00pm PST. There are three ways to contact our Support staff:

1. Live Chat - http://www.station.com/kb (Chat Support tab). If you cannot find the answer through the knowledge base, click on the "Chat Support" tab to chat live with a Support Representative. Chat Support is open Monday to Friday, from 10:00am - 7:00pm PST.

2. Email Support - http://www.station.com/kb (Email Support tab). If you cannot find the answer through the knowledge base, click on the "Email Support" tab to email a Support Representative.

3. Phone Support - Available Monday through Friday from 10:00am - 7:00pm PST, except holidays, at 1-858-537-0898. If you have forgotten your password required to use our email or chat support, and cannot complete the "Forgotten your password" form, please feel free to contact us via our phone support, and we will assist you from there.

In Game Support
While In-Game
For all in-game issues please petition in game by typing /petition ( for Star Wars Galaxies, press the H key).

From Our Website
Start by going to the following link:


1. Click on the In-Game Support tab.
2. Select your game from the Product dropdown list.
2. Select the appropriate Category and Sub-Category of your issue.
3. Type in your issue into the ticket window.
4. Click Submit.

A Customer Service Representative will respond to your ticket as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
Please note that you can have only one petition at a time, and that all petitions are completed in the order that they were received.

International Phone Support:
Please use the following phone numbers for your area. Remember that these numbers are not toll free and are considered long distance from within each country. Players using the "Outside France" phone number will be subject to International fees.

UK: (44) 870-600-0267

DE: (49) 180-500-7774

FR: Inside France: (33) 825-120-549
Outside France: (33) 171-230-495

ES: Spain: (34) 912-754-643
US/Spanish: (858) 790-5201
