Kolani wrote:

yeuxdesoir wrote:

All of that ignores the fact that it was stated that most of the slaves wandered through the timeline. We have no way of knowing which ones. Therefore you can not tell a dev they are wrong without having the same info that he does.
However, we have established that the Darkhammer dwarves *are* from that point in the timeline, haven't we?
Aye. They are contemporary 'collaborator' Dwarves who toil for Murdunk in Korascian Warrens, in exchange for their freedom and the ability to keep some of what they dig up for their own profit.

As for the other non-indigenous humanoids in the PoE arc, if they are of races that aren't supposed to be in existence yet, they either arrived from the future, or the race's natural appearance in the timeline may have happened earlier than some might have thought (possibly due to the Discordian tampering with the timeline...)

And yes, the Discordian timeline tampering does offer us one compelling explanation for why parts of the timeline may be different in EQ1 as opposed to EQ2 as opposed to EQOA. Gods may do different things in different versions of Norrath.

Aspects of the written lore itself may not be 100% accurate when it comes to the time of origin of the various races. For example, it's possible barbarians may have existed prior to the Age of Blood but just not have been discovered yet by whichever group of people was recording the lore back then.
