qsnoopyjr wrote:

Dev-Ngreth wrote:

redius wrote:

I'd love to see an alchemy potion that allows the user to take the form of a random monster in zone (much like the discontinued Summon Monster Pet spell mages used to have.)
Current code does not allow for that.
Typical answer from the developer, in other words hes trying to say to you WE CANT DO THAT, WE CANT IMPLEMENT ANY FUN THINGS, we can only IMPLEMENT STUFF THAT IS ALREADY USED. We are too lazy to try anything new, besides it cuts into my 3 hour coffee breaks and 5 hours just staring at the forums, WE ONLY get 1 - 2 hours of CODING.

My response to NGRETH is, it happened before, coding defiantly DOES ALLOW it, you just too lazy. Put down the coffee, quit procrastinating and just code, thats how you get stuff done.
OK. *MY* access to code does not allow for it. That particular code for illusions ONLY works in Grieg's end. I already wanted to do this so looked into it. So I guess Sure. I can make a "Greg's Potions of Randomness". It only works in Grieg's end. But hey, it has been made.

Or we can go with the answer I gave. "Current code does not allow for it."

Nothing in my statement says I am not going to ask code to change that and make it possible to do in all zones, but there is nothing *DIRECTLY* that I can do. I have *no* actual control over priorities of code changes. I make requests, and tell them how important it is to me, but in the end it is not under my control.

And I don't drink coffee.
