Antibane wrote:

Rasper_Helpdesk wrote:

Survey_ wrote:

SKlug wrote:

Luminescent and Incandescent Culling Vortexes are now available upon completion of the Field of Scale Theme in Seeds of Destruction.
Can anyone confirm if these are available in VoidB provided you have FoS theme completed?
I'd assume that means "Void D", since thats where you are doing it in order.
I would guess that it doesn't. You don't *have* to do the themes in order - one could, theoretically, be flagged for only VoidB with the FoS theme complete.
How should I phrase this better? You need to have access to "VoidD" and we try not to jsut say filenames in that part of the patch notes. Maybe:

Luminescent and Incandescent Culling Vortexes are now available once you have completed three themes in Seeds of Destruction.
