Nodyin-Dev wrote:

Thulack-Secrecy wrote:

Aristo wrote:

Elephi wrote:

I couldn't believe what I read so I logged on test and its true, poisons (well at least spiders bite but Im sure others too) now go in the disc window instead of the buff window. so you can't use a disc while using a poison anymore.

bad change imo.

edit: they fade when you zone too.
That wasn't the intent of the change to skills -- it was just to avoid the poisons being turned off by silence spells. We'll have to figure out if there's a different way to make the procs immune to silence without borking everything else about them. They may just have to be reverted to spells for the time being.
Did the dev's even bother testing this out before they implented it? I personally think this issue goes to prove that the Dev's dont play Eq themselves or have people test things out. I mean you would want to use the posions to get the most DPS possible so why wouldn't the dev's have tried this out while clicking Discs to see the dps potential?
Ah...what? We're testing it, which is why it went to the *Test* server.

Spells-flagged-as-skills (sometimes known as Disciplines but can be used for other purposes) don't always behave like this - they are not always mutually exclusive. You can have a Discipline running AND trigger an AA that is flagged as a skill. Sadly an item effect (like the poisons) act like a Disc rather than an AA.

That has nothing to do with "playing the game" and more to do with "Huh - I didn't realize those two different systems interacted quite like that. Guess we'll have to find a different way to do it."

Also, flagging the spells as skills to avoid them being silenced would hardly be just cause to initiate a round of parsing of discs and poisons; that would be something done during the initial implementation to tune the damage values (and it was.)
I tested to see if silence stopped it then camped out.

I never even though it would go away with zoning or stop other disciplines... so I never even thought to try to "test" that.

Sorry that we cannot think of every possible thing to test every time.

It happens. And yes, that is part of the reason we HAVE a test server, so larger numbers of people can test something out, and find things the few people did not.
