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View Full Version : Re:Re:Update Bugs 03/22/12

03-23-2012, 07:41 PM
Tegila wrote:

idk if you wanna call this a bug or what but it is QUITE annoying. can not do quest "lucky 13" as Fixxin Followig is KOS, first time he got ripostedto death immediatley. so put on nondmg bandolier, removed ds's, tried again, but cant handin the invitation to him while he's aggro. now i could put the invitations in teh bank and shroud i suppose, til i found which shrouds are and which arent kos, but honestly this task has enough garbage in it running to 6million zones (and you cant even get task on all grp members and rejoin grp, of course so you can at least share druid ports) then the emote time-fest later, but now depending on class or race you cant even do it?? i havent seen anyone mention him being kos to them in other posts here or on alla so perhaps this is a new bug since the patch, or not many have wanted to bother doing the task bc of all hte zoning.

edit: i did nuke all the other mobs around to kill them off, drop aggro with fd, and could try handing in, but he runs off immediatley so cnat even complete the handin. by time you catch up to him he's yet again with all the other mobs again and you ahve to repeat killing them, hope yo ucan drop aggro again quickly, and he's still running off, spawning the same mobs around him again seemingly immediately, and thus aggro and cant handin

After our next update Fixin and his pals will turn non-KOS during the anniversary events.


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