View Full Version : Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Time and Tides Raid

01-18-2012, 07:31 PM
Coruth wrote:

To quibble a bit, the idea that it isn't supposed to be Kitable wouldn't be known to anyone outside the Beta Tester and only if mentioned during beta testing by the Developer.

So when it came out in other ROI thread, the comments from ROI were either elitist snobby or insider knowledge from beta testing and dev comments.

However, whichever Developer changed this, I am sorry, normally I might disagree with design, but this takes the cake.

1st) It smacks of a "My developer way or the highway attitude" that really is driving me nuts in this game.

2nd) There is ZERO excuse for not announcing it in patch notes. ZERO excuse complete Failure on your part as a developer and complete disregard for customers. Nothing like wasting 2 runs minimum between surprise + confirmation of changes. Times how many people. How many Lost Man Hours for simply not putting it in the NOTES

With your first point, I fervently disagree. In order to build a good event, a designer needs to have an idea about what they do and do not want to be done during the event. Then make sure that those things can or can't be done. For example, if in that event the NPCs were meant to be kited but could not be, then that would need to be fixed, even if players had found a different way to deal with it. The reverse is also true.

If, however, players discover a method for beating an event that was NOT considered during the design of the event, then we need to evaluate the effect that has on the event. If it doesn't make the event a lot easier, if the difficulty remains on par with the expected path, then there probably is no need to change it. If it negates some important part of the event, then we should fix it.

However, I completely agree with your second point. Not having that in the update messages is unexcusable. I'm sorry about that.


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