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View Full Version : Re:Sanguimanus The Redfang

02-25-2010, 02:33 PM
Delbaeth wrote:

When did DemiPlane's big bat start casting Flapping of Wings, a 4 slot dispel with enormous knockback that sends players flying about the zone landing anywhere even the zone in?

Redfang has always cast Flapping of Wings every 45 seconds, but the spell hit no targets because its impact radius and range were reversed.

It's a typical newb mistake, and in this case it was made by me, 5 years ago. Fast forward to 2009. While auditing new NPC spells during the development of Underfoot, we found a number that were similarly busted. All of them were fixed. These were mostly spells intended for use on UF bosses and rares, but since there's no easy way to determine where a spell is attached, some older spells were caught as well that had been busted for a very, very long time. This was unintended, obviously, as we didn't want to change the fights drastically a half decade later. http://www.mapfiend.net/eq/images/smilies/3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad.gif

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