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View Full Version : Re:Re:Scimitar of the Mistwalker - Devs Read

01-15-2010, 09:40 AM
Dev-Ngreth wrote:

DyollZek wrote:

Okay, so I'm sure I'm not the only one that's kinda angry about it... The original Scimitar of the Mistwalker spawned multiple pets, such as the pet weapons from PoP... Whip of the Earthcrafter and such. The new one from Old Man Mackenzie and spawns one and ONLY one pet that actually becomes a normal pet for 10 seconds, which means both that a. no swarm pets as one would have thought like I did when purchasing the item and b. the mercenaries divert their healing abilities from me (the tank) to heal a crappy and virtually useless pet that only lasts for 10 seconds. I think that the effect on this weapon should be reverted to a swarm pet proc like its prior version or anyone who petitions for it should be reimbursed their 63 brews considering the proc is actually HURTING the individual or group more in it's current state than helping them being the proc offers such little dps and steals healing power. Please do something devs.

I have no comment on multiple pet part. (I did not make the item so do not feel qualified to comment on that part of it)

but, if what comes out gives you normal pet controls, not the "dismiss" only control of a familiar THAT is a bug worth using the /bug

and it seems I was incorrect.

This is an copy of the proc from the original mistwalker, and intended to be a copy of the original mistwalker. It is working as intended and as the original worked.

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