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View Full Version : Re:More Nerfs!

01-04-2010, 06:52 PM
I realize that much of this will fall on deaf ears, but since my private communication was posted pubically here, allow me to point a few things out:

Sending the request to me directly, when I have nothing to do with AAs or spells, wasn't going to accomplish much in the first place. I'm not Elidroth's boss and I don't oversee his work, the same way he doesn't oversee mine. We're colleagues on the same rung of the ladder, so to speak.
Asking other developers to contradict the developer in charge of an area via private message will not work. In general, I trust my coworkers' ability to make decisions relating to their area of expertise. At best you're just going to get me to forward the PM to that person, as it is their decision. If I had agreed and made the change without consulting Elidroth, I would be at fault, just as if he would if he changed an item I made without consulting me. Asking us to contradict each others' work is essentially asking us to not trust each other.
Even when we do disagree internally (and we do - that's what meetings are for), it's very foolish to make the disagreement public. If I had disagreed and Isaiah had posted that private communication here, it would be siezed upon as a sign of "internal strife" or a "battle of wills." I would be pitted against my coworker in a conflict neither of us wanted to fight, and both of our jobs would be affected negatively by having to address this new "issue." None of us want to invite controversy on ourselves or our team.
Denigrating others only makes you look worse, and makes most people consider your targets in a better light.
Rappapart is correct in many ways about how to phrase an argument constructively, and generally people who use similar tactics (i.e., are reasonable, calm, considerate of all sides, seek solutions, and use data to back up their statements) are far more likely to be taken seriously than people who deal in invectives, hyperbole, and vitriol, regardless of how "correct" they are.
I hope this explains our general sentiment a bit better.

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