View Full Version : Re:Re:Ferocity VII, VIII, IX, when will this be fixed?

12-22-2009, 10:12 AM
AutomaticWarrior wrote:

If two classes has identical DPS and identical DPS contribution from melee damage, a class with low triple attack skill will gain more tha a class with high triple attack skill. To illustrate:

Class A: doubles 100%, triples 90%.

Class B: doubles 100%, triples 0%.

Assume both classes have identical DPS and identical DPS contributed by melee, then increasing triple by 10% for class A gets you (3/2.9) - 1 = 3.4% DPS increase. For class B, it's (2.1/2) - 1 = 5% DPS increase. Since we assume their DPS is the same, class B has a higher relative and absolute DPS increase.

However this case does not resemble reality in any way or form. Generally classes with high triple attack skill has a higher total DPS, and higher DPS contribution from melee damage than a class with low triple attack. For example a Warrior's DPS is 100% due to melee, while a bard or even a SK is definitely not. So even though we'll get a smaller relative DPS increase, that smaller % increases the bulk of our DPS, while for a class like bard it will be a large relative DPS increase to a smaller portion of their total DPS, so it is most likely to even out anyway.

in GENERAL terms this is true. Classes with already high DPS *may* still see a larger increase. But the reality is the gain for the lower DPS may be larger than the the gain of the higher DPS, yet not enough by itself to necessarily catch up. But then you add that often those classes have something ELSE that they have been given, that makes up for the lower attack rate, that now will be happening more often because of a higher attack rate. It is not even as simple as you are stating it. For example. The damage gains from heroic strength will gain a significant boost from the greater frequency of attacks. Other effects that add a "per attack" damage will see large increases.

It is these cumulative effects that makes us additionally weary of doing triple attack.

We hit something else like this (no not to do with ferocity a totally different effect, which I am not going to go into) recently with an unrelated to this subject change, and I expect there is going to be an adjustment down for a class to make up for it.

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