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View Full Version : Re:Re:Re:Video lag all over UF

12-15-2009, 06:45 AM
Quarken-xx wrote:

Journal has been off for years now.

Although particles do drop frame rate at very close proximity. They barely affect me.

Also, it's not frame rate that is the problem.

Let's say I get 40 fps in SoD. I still get 40 fps in Underfoot. Just every 2-5 seconds, I get a quick *blip* of freezing. Literally, a millisecond. But it's verrrrrry annoying since it happens constantly.

Make sure the journal is still off. It may be superstitious of me, but that darn thing has had a bad habit of spontaneously turning itself back on over the years.

I understand what you are describing, unfortunately I haven't found anyone internally that has seen this at all yet. Are there any zones/situations where it's much worse than at other times? Just so we can try to create the best circumstances to see the problem?

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