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View Full Version : Re:The hole

12-10-2009, 12:52 PM
We corrected the XP error in the Hole via a hotfix yesterday afternoon. Here's how it worked:

Every NPC has an XP_MODIFIER value as part of its data. This is a multiplier that is applied to its XP when killed. Before this patch, the modifier value was a percentage number: 50 would be 50%, etc. Now that value is applied as a direct multiplier, so 1.0 is "standard" and .5 would be 50% of the normal value. We made a global change to every NPC to convert these values in the DB, but a few zones (like the Hole) did not have their zone files updated as they should have. NPCs in those old files still had the 100 scale, so with the new code they were giving 100 times their proper experience.

That's bad. Obviously bad.

Some people noticed it, let us know, and went on with their business elsewhere. Some people decided that the correct course of action would be to not tell us about the issue, shroud down to maximize AA gain, and farm these obviously broken mobs until they were full up on AAs. Those people chose an incorrect action. The advantage they gained will be (or has already been) removed. The bad data that gave them the advantage has been replaced. It was live for under 28 hours.

Once we knew about the problem it was quick to diagnose and fix. In most cases we had the correct file already. The file copy error that caused this is being addressed in a new patching system we're working on, but is not yet ready for live (Test is using it now). When we transition to that system errors like this will be greatly reduced.

tl;dr - the problem's fixed, the cause is being fixed, everyone can go about their business now.

More... (http://forums.station.sony.com/eq/posts/list.m?topic_id=158994&post_id=2362098#2362098)