View Full Version : Re:UF - Doable for wifey and me?

12-03-2009, 08:50 PM
How many of you beat Kizdean Gix your 1st time you fought him? What about Emperor Crush? Did you throw up your hands and quit, or did you go elsewhere, gear up a bit, level up a bit, and then come back and wreak havoc?

Some of these encounters are going to be hard.. some are going to be downright brutal.. But taking some time to gear up, learn how the fight works, and develop a counter-strategy will pay off.

I'll say it again.. people asked for a hard expansion.. no 'easy mode' or 'win button' expansion. Well.. you got it. SoD was WAY undertuned, and we know it. People blew through it MUCH too quickly. We're pretty confident we didn't make the same mistake this time.

More... (http://forums.station.sony.com/eq/posts/list.m?topic_id=158707&post_id=2357283#2357283)