View Full Version : Re:Re:NDA is over. Won't someone spill the beans?

11-30-2009, 09:21 AM
gcubed wrote:

Baking and Brewing have a few new recipes. Nothing earth shattering though.

Tinkering there are a couple.

Pottery is used to make the group level seals for cultural. Raid level seals are pretty much made the same as they have always been. There are changes though. Seals (both group and raid) are slot specific (i.e., you make an arm seal, a leg seal, etc), and as stated above the new seals will not fit in older cultural. Not sure if these will go live but there are some weapons ornaments that are made with pottery.

The new cultural armor has purity so will be enhanced with energieans.

The progression armor will be made by the players in kilns (nofail combines). These will require armor templates that are also used in the cultural armor (and definately NOT nofail combines). These templates are made with vanadium ore, immaculate silk and immaculate hides. Like all other templates they are tradable and can even be vendored.

There will be an NPC that will hold our cultural patterns and molds.

Make Poison has some new recipes, which use existing components. The most interesting of these are the two new raid poisons. In order to function properly, two rogues need to be using them. The Tallon poison has a debuff that increases the effect of the Vallon poison which in turn has a debuff that increases the effect of the Tallon poison. The debuff doesn't last long so while in would only require two rogues to work, the more rogues you have using these poisons, the longer the debuffs last (i.e., they get refreshed more often).

Fletching has some new cultural bows. These bows are not the best available as damage dealers but the symbols (cultural augs) that can be placed in them have some interesting effects. As an example, tanks may be interested in the hate proc symbol.

As stated above, TBS spells and tomes will be researchable.

Jewelcrafting has some new recipes. These are pretty much like the SoD recipes with a new metal.

Basically, all tradeskills have some new recipes.

I am only a Master Artisan. From a lore perspective, Brell could be considered the god of tradeskills. If it can be crafted, Brell can craft it. If it can't be crafted, Brell can probably still craft it. This would make Brell the One and Only Grand Poohbah Ultimate Artisan. We will be entering his domain. Some tradeskill products WILL be required if you wish to progress in Underfoot.

to keep up to date.

Tinkering got disabled in the short term. It will be re-enabled when I can get a code fix in for a bug.

The holding NPC is having a swath of bugs. it *may* be a patch late if I cannot get it bug free in time. I want to be sure that it does not make you loose patterns before I do it.

I added a gem to jewelry at the last minute (so Beta testers are only just aware of it recently)

the bows are the same "power level" as the other "Fine" weapons... so yes, not "thrilling" it is mostly as a catch up for fletching and a bit more in the skillup path.

Raid seals also have a last minute change, and are additionally split by armor "archetype": plate, chain, leather, silk. This is in order to avoid bad (high) AC values in leather and chain (silk as well, though it is not important there) This change added 2 more components to the combine in the AAOA, and made the AAOA a 6 slot container.

Any changes to cultural recipes are minor. Symbols had a component added so it required some hunting in the new expansion to make them, and reduced the flood of it to the market because of banked "rares" the new component is rare per NPC, but is expansion global, so will in the end not be particularly rare. Seals had changes to prevent AC problems as mentioned. This adds components at a few steps, but solves some issues. Added components in this case are all vendor components.

More... (http://forums.station.sony.com/eq/posts/list.m?topic_id=158540&post_id=2354488#2354488)