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View Full Version : Re:Re:Ornament request

11-23-2009, 09:12 AM
Mytharr wrote:

I always loved the look of Raistlin's staff, you know, the one that has an orb on top graped by a claw http://www.mapfiend.net/eq/images/smilies/3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad.gif
Could have a nice particel effect from the orb.

As a wizard i would actaly love to have a 2HB as my primary, but there's just no 2HB in game that could replace a 1HB + shield (that is, as far as stats go)

I always thought that, as a caster, using a shield was kinda out of place, but to replace 1HB + shield, with a 2HB (for looks) the 2HB's stats would have to be on par with 1HB + Shield and on top of that, the aug slots...

Of cuz this might come out looking as an overpowered staff, then again, not realy as casters dont care bout any melee "stats" on a wep like that.

One option could be to make a combine box, for a 1HB + Shield + Some 3th very hard quest item. (Could be an idea for epic 3.0 http://www.mapfiend.net/eq/images/smilies/8a80c6485cd926be453217d59a84a888.gif

Not holding my breath tho http://www.mapfiend.net/eq/images/smilies/8a80c6485cd926be453217d59a84a888.gif

while we can't match the AC (would have to be about 4000 AC to match it, and we are not going to do that...) in Underfoot, we are working to make CASTER 2HB closer to 1HB and shield. They even have an extra aug slot for stats.

More... (http://forums.station.sony.com/eq/posts/list.m?topic_id=158132&post_id=2349355#2349355)