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View Full Version : Re:Re:A million dollars for 32 video game characters?

11-02-2009, 12:25 PM
Vailwind-TRK wrote:

They don't need to add completely new models. They could revamp the current ones, or actually just add to them. Add a few new faces, And for gods sake add armor variations, and maybe some size differences. Every single toon is the same size.

Just those few changes would go a long way to adding variation to the game and make lots happy.

Also I don't think cost is the biggest issue. It's part of it, but the biggest issue is that they got slapped. They made new humans and they were horrid. Everyone complained and now it's time to pout. Another year or so they'll be done pouting and we may see new models or variations to current ones.

Cost is the biggest issue, by far.

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