View Full Version : Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:A million dollars for 32 video game characters?

10-25-2009, 05:33 PM
Karian wrote:

So the resizing of the options you can do are just skins, and the height function is just resizing the skeleton/scale so its not basic proportions? Either way, people complain over there about character models same as here, the video game crowds are all alike. http://www.mapfiend.net/eq/images/smilies/69934afc394145350659cd7add244ca9.gif

Gah! It's been a long time since I've created a character there. Got two level 80s, but I'm not much of an "alt" player. I had forgotten they do offer some customizations. Though it speaks volumes that most of the customizations that are actually to the model itself (like facial, etc.) you can't even see unless you're zoomed in up close, which happens pretty much never. My personal observation about that level of customization is that it's mostly to grab people for those first 15 minutes when they're creating a character. After that most people can't tell the difference. What most people notice is what armor/clothing you are wearing, what color your hair is, or what hairstyle you have. These are all things selected from a set, not adjusted on a slider. Given the cost in both developing a system like that, and in the toll it takes on rendering performance, I'm unconvinced it's worth it. Though I'm certainly interested in discussing it. Every attempt to do new models in the past hasn't ever really had these sorts of customizations included. Should it?

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