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View Full Version : Re:Re:sympathetic spell procs

10-15-2009, 11:23 AM
wire wrote:

I've been testing these procs a little and there seems to be a bug.

With one of the "sympathetic" proc items equipped, and the NPC I've been casting on as my target, when I cast a lvl 81+ DD spell on a Test Dummy (on the Test Server) I occasionally get the message:

"You must first select a target for this spell!"

If I have two "sympathetic" proc items equipped, I sometimes get this message twice on the same cast.

To me, it appears as if these procs are trying to cast some other spell in addition to their "[Fiery/Arcane] Strike V" effect.

Maybe it's failing because of a proc rate monitor going over the limit or something. It might be easier to change them to a fixed % chance to proc, instead of the procrate system, but I guess that would icorporate the multiplicative effect of spell haste and cast times.

I found out the the effect that gives you infinite mana for working with the test dummies causes this issue. If you drop that effect, you will not see that issue. Of course it makes it very difficult to do a long term test since you will run out of mana.

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