View Full Version : Re:Finished a Vox - what LoN reward?

09-24-2009, 08:33 AM
That message is the message given when we give you ANY claim... SKlug is aware of it.

THe "Claim" we are giving you is a mark that says you have completed a step on the Road to Underfoot. If you get at least one of these for three different steps and pre-order the underfoot expansion, you can get in the expansion a week before everyone else.

See http://everquest.station.sony.com/e...erfoot/index.vm (http://everquest.station.sony.com/expansions/underfoot/index.vm) for more details.

More... (http://forums.station.sony.com/eq/posts/list.m?topic_id=155833&post_id=2293050#2293050)