View Full Version : Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:bEST fOOD

09-09-2009, 12:41 PM
Xeneor wrote:

Dev-Ngreth wrote:

wamce wrote:

Darrkdeathx wrote:

i would like AC, hp, mana and heroics from a food, lol.

I believe AC on food is bugged. Ngreth won't add other stats until he gets the code change so you have to eat the food to get the buff first. Otherwise, you can force feed yourself and keep that good food indefinitely.

Not quite true.

I am willing to take the intermediary step of having all stats work on food. I will not add any more stats until that is done though, so we do not have the situation we have more food out there with stats that do not work.

I just will not have food contribute much larger numbers until we go to a consume for stats model.

an idea... a separate buff slot (one for food, one for drink, maybe a third for a snack on food (always room for jello, eh?)), and not dispellable except by death, as this would be the consumed food... where the food and drink would be consumed into... statless food/drink would just show as (food) with a timer on how long until you're hungry... but statted food would show as what's there by name with a timer (we usually remember what we ate for lunch, even if we do not know what the stats (calories, nutrients) are... and have food as it's being eaten depleated into there... (It would be more like putting a dedicated buff window showing what has been automatically done forever, but without allowing forced eating/drinking to extend a timer, as the timer would be first)...

It would also add a little strategy to food for players that way... if cannot remove a food buff while it's being digested, you have to plan your meals out in advance...

that or do a similar method to food like the power sources with purity augments... a power source percent on the food (but then they'd have to be unstacked to use) to add to main stats...

There is some discussion on how it will go. With the way buffs in EQ work, I am leaning away from a buff model, because that will actually "nerf" some food... buffs can only have 12 effects, AND have stacking issues. There is food with more than 12 "effects"

I am looking more towards a pair of inventory slots that have some special behavior... You only get stats from food / drink (will just say food, but mean both) in that slot, and the food gets "consumed" over time. This would always happen, no "only in combat" like some of our consumed over time stuff. Removed food keeps track of how much it has been "consumed" or... gets "eaten" immediately when removed (detail to be decided)

Durations would be increased. Some of the ultra rare food would be adjusted in some way.

More... (http://forums.station.sony.com/eq/posts/list.m?topic_id=154779&post_id=2278679#2278679)