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View Full Version : Re:Re:Ornamentation molds to be made reusable ?

08-04-2009, 08:51 AM
Jedis wrote:

What about some of the existing items that come from LoN that are augs that change the appearance?

Like the Magi Shield Ornament (#84915)? I want to change it to a mold so it doesn't use the aug slot, but if I do that, I'll lose it if I ever upgrade my shield. This ornament comes from the new LoN scenarios and is no trade. Thus there is no way to ever get one again.
That is your choice to make that change. You either have the reusable item, or the one use.

More... (http://forums.station.sony.com/eq/posts/list.m?topic_id=153946&post_id=2254882#2254882)