View Full Version : Re:Re:Re:Re:Rallos Zek + Muramites - Allies?

08-01-2009, 02:50 PM
Rozzl wrote:

Don't get me wrong, I understand history changing. But the events that lead up to Tallon and Vallon's ascent to godhood were very specific. They were generals (or something) in Rallos army. They became Zek's explicitly to save them from the curse. Would he have made them Gods anyway? Maybe. But in his invasions of earth, in the standard timeline, he was content to have them as mortals. What suddenly caused that to change? And though it's unstated, it seems to be implied that the power he used to make them Gods was the power he took away from Eriak. Granted, if he wasn't weakened from the failure, one can assume he'd have more power at hand... but if that didn't happen, how did his form get scarred?

As I understood it (and now I get to search for the lore) his current form is a result of his failed invasion... there's lots of missing causality in the Invasion of Earth theme. That's my big problem with it.

The content you get to see in the SoD PoE arc is the aftermath of the (altered) first assault on the Rathe Council Chamber. The second assault culminates with the two RCC raid events and the Toskirakk raid. Even then, there is a lot that happens 'off camera' that might tend to fill in some of the blanks.

Think of it as Discordians altering the trajectory and tempo of the PoE invasion, in a way that influences Rallos to alter his own schedule and to react in ways that are unforeseen. On top of that there is the influence of the players suddenly appearing from an alternative future (to the natives' point of view), which causes Murdunk to lose his nerve and beg Rallos for further assistance in the second RCC raid. Rallos realizes that his one shot at stealing the power of the Rathe Council is fading fast with all of these future-mortals suddenly adding their strength to the defense, so he elevates Tallon and Vallon to godhood and sends them to help Murdunk. That also turns out not to be enough, so Rallos then opts to personally intervene. All of this both disrupts the original timeline but also restructures it into something congruent with the way things were meant to turn out.

More... (http://forums.station.sony.com/eq/posts/list.m?topic_id=153836&post_id=2253369#2253369)