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View Full Version : Re:Re:Update 07/10/09

07-10-2009, 10:20 PM
Vartari wrote:


The new memory modes are causing my computer running windows XP to crash. I have reinstalled testeverquest on this machine twice. I can log into live just fine, but every time I try to launch testeverquest after the patcher, it crashes. Is there a line in the ini that I can edit to manually adjust the memory usage setting before I launch?


Qenadyen Kaitachi

Caeelenax Kaitachi

Vatira Kaitachi

Zen Cabal

Did this only start as of today's patch? When was the last time you successfully logged into test?

You can change the GraphicsMemoryMode line to 3 in your eqclient.ini which should change it to the "original" mode.

You are the 2nd person that seems to have this problem (though the other person's seeminly started a week or two ago). Are you getting a debug.dmp in your Logs dir?

More... (http://forums.station.sony.com/eq/posts/list.m?topic_id=153089&post_id=2236494#2236494)