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View Full Version : Re:Re:Item Trade Lock Out and Spell Casting

06-10-2009, 04:50 PM
JMDornb wrote:

I have experienced this problem. I first noticed it around April, I believe, with a character on Stromm. I was in the bazaar, and a friend was giving me some spells she made. After the first trade, I could not trade with her, open my bank, etc. I camped, we traded again, and the same thing happened. I had to camp after each trade. I noticed that zoning allowed me to cast spells, buy / sell items and open my bank, but as soon as I traded with someone, I had to either camp or zone again. I checked characters on other servers and they all had the same issue. I submitted a petition, and I was advised to go into the /Everquest directory and delete the /uifiles directory, repatch and do a complete scan.

That solved the problem for all characters on all servers. However, a few weeks later the problem resurfaced on my main character. Again I deleted the /uifiles directory, did a repatch with a full scan. Two days ago the problem resurfaced again. I had just died and zoned back to the Guild Hall. I bought a soulstone, gave it to the Corpse Summoner and then my cleric mercenary rezzed me. At that point I noticed I could not cast spells, trade, open my bank, etc.

At that point I checked two other characters on the same server, but they were both able to conduct multiple trades without problems.

One thing I tried on one character was to switch from Full Screen to Windowed and back to Full Screen using Alt-Ent (which I do occasionally) then tried trading to see if that might cause the problem, but it didn't.

I deleted the /uifiles directory again, did a repatch and full scan, and if this happens again, I will try to duplicate or at least make note of what occured just prior to the problem.

One thing I have noticed may or may not be related to this issue. In the /Everquest directory there are two combat music theme .mp3 files; combattheme 1 and combattheme 2. I have noticed that on several characters, these themes will occasionally switch, and I have no idea why. Prior to the last trade-lock problem, when I engaged in combat I would hear combat theme 2. After I summoned and rezzed in the Guild Lobby I returned to the Field of Scale, and there I noticed the combat theme had changed to theme 1. I know many people have combat music turned off so they won't notice this. I don't know if the two things are related. However, it seems something must cause the 'pointer' to change the combat theme it points to for a given character. I wonder if this is a symptom of some underlying problem that might be related to the trade lock-out.

You have to alt enter in character select or alt entering doesn't do anything at all related to this issue.

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