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View Full Version : Get Quick Updates from SOE and EverQuest With Twitter!

05-15-2009, 03:21 PM
Have you heard about Twitter yet? Are you using it? Twitter is a "micro-blogging" utility that allows you to send and recieve short notes, links, and, well...anything you want to share with your friends and the world! Here at SOE we use Twitter to send out news updates about our games, occasional company news, and to keep in touch with you...our players!

If you haven't signed up yet and you're interested in checking it out, head on over to EQPlayers for a walkthrough (http://eqplayers.station.sony.com/news_article.vm?id=51473). If you're already a Twitter pro, skip to the bottom to see a couple of lists of SOE games and folks you might be interested in following.

Many of us have found that while Twitter provides a fantastic interface through the web to make “Tweeting” easy, there are other applications which have improved the overall Twitter experience.

One of our favorites around the office is TweetDeck which can be found at http://www.tweetdeck.com/beta/. Officially they mention that the product is in beta, however, we’ve found TweetDeck to provide an easy interface for us to follow all of the things that are going on with our friends and followers. You can Tweet directly from TweetDeck so you won’t need to log into the website and you’ll also be able to reply and see your replies quickly and easily. It’s something you may want to check out if you’re going to dive head-first into the Twitterverse.

SOE games and the Official SOE Podcast are on Twitter!

freerealms (http://twitter.com/freerealms)
everquest (http://twitter.com/everquest)
everquestii (http://twitter.com/everquestii)
eqoa (http://twitter.com/eqoa)
vanguardsoh (http://twitter.com/vanguardsoh)
planetside (http://twitter.com/planetside)
poxnora (http://twitter.com/poxnora)
SOE_Podcast (http://twitter.com/SOE_Podcast)
soefanfaire (http://twitter.com/soefanfaire)

Community Team members are on Twitter!

Brenlo (http://twitter.com/Brenlo)
Ashlanne (http://twitter.com/Ashlanne)
Grimwell (http://twitter.com/Grimwell)
Greeblen (http://twitter.com/Greeblen)
SOEGordo (http://twitter.com/SOEGordo)
Kiara_EQ2 (http://twitter.com/Kiara_EQ2)
Zatozia (http://twitter.com/Zatozia)
Gnobrin (http://twitter.com/Gnobrin)
Raijinn (http://twitter.com/raijinn)
Virrago (http://twitter.com/Virrago)
MinervaSOE (http://twitter.com/MinervaSOE)
Amnerys (http://twitter.com/amnerys)

Momochii (http://twitter.com/Momochii)
Eovania (http://twitter.com/Eovania)
Soffrina (http://twitter.com/Soffrina)
Naylie (http://twitter.com/Naylie)
Mama_Ky (http://twitter.com/Mama_Ky)
soe_hubert (http://twitter.com/soe_hubert)
soe_emily (http://twitter.com/soe_emily)

Are you Tweeting? If you want to connect with other EQ players, feel free to leave your @ name below. Also be sure to check your security/privacy settings if you want to be more selective about who follows you. http://www.mapfiend.net/eq/images/smilies/3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad.gif

More... (http://forums.station.sony.com/eq/posts/list.m?topic_id=151076&post_id=2199525#2199525)